BelongKC Supportive Living Initiative

Inclusion Connections is creating an innovative, affordable, and sustainable community in the KC region where adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) can choose to live with customized supports. At BelongKC, residents will have opportunities to enjoy improved health outcomes, flourishing social relationships, and meaningful employment. The project creates a hub for strategic partnerships benefitting the IDD community. Together, we will create a community where all individuals are treated equally, regardless of ability, realizing their full potential.

BelongKC Supportive Living Initiative

Inclusion Connections is creating an innovative, affordable, and sustainable community in the KC region where adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) can choose to live with customized supports. At BelongKC, residents will have opportunities to enjoy improved health outcomes, flourishing social relationships, and meaningful employment. The project creates a hub for strategic partnerships benefitting the IDD community. Together, we will create a community where all individuals are treated equally, regardless of ability, realizing their full potential.

Blazing a Trail

Establish A Regional Community

with customized and supportive residential options. This consumer-directed community provides a comprehensive accessible living experience.

Position the KC Supportive Living Community

to serve as a model site for education, training, and thought leadership focused on expanding choices for affordable, quality housing options across the KC region.

Launch A Transition Academy

serving both youth and young adults to prepare individuals with new skills and quality-of-life indicators for the transition to independent or supportive living.

Magnify Inclusion Connections’ Voice

in federal, state and local policy encouraging new community-based models offering choices for supportive living for individuals with IDD.

Multiple Intersecting Crises

There is not just a gap in available supportive housing, but a genuine housing crisis for low income individuals with IDD. This is coupled with a national crisis facing families across the United States: the rising number of adults with IDD who are living with aging caregivers. Most adults with disabilities will outlive their parents and caregivers, resulting in forced emergency placements.

BelongKC Rendering

One Bedroom Apartments

Designed for Accessibility

Transition Academy

Classroom space and conference rooms

Health Initiatives

Access to fitness and nutrition

Space for Organizations With a Disability Mission

PawsAbilities, coffee/ice cream shop

Indoor & Outdoor Community Space

Dining hall, fitness center, and more

Inclusion Connections Headquarters

Model site for education and training

Future BelongKC Residents

Alexis (30)

Alexis is looking for a place to live near friends where she can stay involved with PawsAbilities and get transportation to her job at Sweet Tee’s Coffee Shop. She would like to live next to her friends Katie, Kyla, and Bailey. Alexis loves her daily exercise time at the gym and hopes to have access to a good gym when she moves. She needs assistance with cleaning, paying bills, and sometimes with her job expectations.

Matthew (28), Kyle (27), and Sam (29)

Matthew, Kyle, and Sam are three friends, all employed, who talk daily about living in their own apartments and everything they are going to do – watch WWE and go out on dates. Each needs special assistance with meal preparation and managing medications. Unfortunately, there are not good housing options for Sam, Matthew, and Kyle that provide the support needed at a cost that is affordable.

Caroline (29)

Caroline has three part-time jobs and desires to be more independent. She dreams of having friends over to her own apartment to watch Grey’s Anatomy and eat snacks. She loves the idea of living on campus with her friends and having independence just like her sister. Caroline lives with Rheumatoid Arthritis and needs to stay active and healthy to maintain her mobility.

Give & Get Involved

Make A Difference

Inclusion Connections provides classes and activities specially designed for young people with developmental disabilities. 

Corporate Giving

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Give & Get Involved

Make A Difference

Inclusion Connections provides classes and activities specially designed for young people with developmental disabilities. 

Corporate Giving

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© Inclusion Connections, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit registered in the US under EIN 46-2754831 | Design & Development by Square Peg Marketing & Branding LLC

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